Unfortunately, there is disagreement among those who found the casque as to exactly where it was discovered. There are two general locations, one near the decorative post embedded in the fence to the west, and the other near an electrical box that used to be on the retaining wall to the north. Both locations have their own interpretations associated with them.
Let’s start with the location near the post embedded in the fence. In the portion of the park containing the Lincoln statue there are many rows and columns of trees with a large open area in the center directly north of the statue. Many trees have been removed, replaced, and added since 1980, so accuracy here is difficult, but based on one layout documented at thesecret.pbworks.com, we get our first “solution.”
The end of ten by thirteen
Is your clue
If you search for trees that make a column and a row, one of ten and one of thirteen (accounting for missing trees), you can find a column on the far left of ten (if you count the two that are missing) and a row of thirteen, second from last at the top. These two lines of trees intersect (mostly) 16 or so feet east and a little north in front of the decorative post.
The second solution again starts at the Lincoln statue and takes us diagonally north northwest toward the corner of the park counting trees as we go. I have not verified this but I understand there is a diagonal line of thirteen trees that ends at a tree not too far south of the electrical box that was on the retaining wall. From this tree we then measure either north or north northwest ten feet to obtain the dig site.
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